Thursday, 10 November 2011

Usher gets attacked in the street by angry female…

Usher found himself on the recieving end of one woman’s rage when he illegally parked his black SUV in a handicap spot recently. This prompted the woman to yell, scream and go on a cuss fest. She even took it a step further by grabbing at the singers hoodie. She really wanted to kick his ass, and things would have turned even nastier if her husband was not there to restrain her. Usher arrived at the shopping center in Atlanta to participate in the holiday festivities during the Little Points Halloween Parade.

After parking where he shouldn’t, that is when the drama kicked off. I wonder what caused her to react that way? Very over the top methinks. Did she even know who she was attacking? If it was publicity she was after, she certainly got it. See the action below.